A personal collection of interesting political opinions, letters, and information

2025-01-31 Congratulatory Letter to President Trump
2025-01-19 Letter to Speaker Mike Johnson
2023-12-25 Letter to Chief Justice Roberts
2022-03-23 Putin asks for payment in Rubles


2020-10-31 Black Owned Businesses Lead Rebound
2020-09-28 NASA is being very public about "Lattice Confinement Fusion" and its uses - and the oil industry has noticed
2020-09-03 Fauci(finally!): Dont send suspected sick college students home!
2020-08-28 Letter to Larry Kudlow: Recovering from our COVID-19 strategies
2020-05-26 India believes in HCQ
2020-05-21 Message to WH re: "Vote by Mail"
2020-05-19 NPR Radio: 1940's system to disinfect inside air called "upper-room UV" (listen around 18:40 mark)
2020-05-07 AG Barr re Michael Flynn: "People sometimes plead guilty to things that turn out not to be crimes"
2020-04-01 Letter to Governor Newsom
2020-03-15 Message to WH re: College Closures
2020-03-15 Letter to DeVos about college closure
2020-03-09 Letter to Bernie about Biden
2020-03-04 Letter to Larry Kudlow re Mitigation of Economic Effects of COVID19
2020-03-01 Letter to Alex Azar about COVID19
2020-02-24 Letter to Trump about COVID19 All 2020


2019-10-27 Message to Trump about kill bragging
2019-09-22 Message to Ted Cruz??
2019-08-12 Letter to Tulsi Gabbard
2019-08-10 Suggestions for a mass killing prevention law
2019-06-16 Letter to DeVos re: Use of Google is a FERPA violation
2019-05-27 Truly Anonymous Contributions Are Less Corrupting!
2019-05-09 The Anti War Candidate
2019-04-15 Whitehouse.gov message
2019-04-12 Letter to Trump
2019-04-08 Current Space Launch Costs ($1240/pound to LEO - SpaceX Falcon 9)


................. 2018 - Harvard Sees the Light - Paper    
................. 2017 - UCSC Extension Class Project
................. 2006 - Clean Air causes Global Warming!
2018-11-21 Run, Tulsi, run!
2018-11-20 Letter to Trump re: Khashoggi
2018-10-30 Sweden Central Bank hedges on Cashless Society PDF ECB
2018-10-04 Letter to Feinstein re: Kavanaugh
2018-08-04 Letter to Mnuchin/Powell
2018-02-21 Believe Tips about Maniacs


2017-07-30 Future State of the Union for Trump
2017-07-22 Coming Soon to America: Japanese Style Men
2017-07-09 Letter to Bannon
2017-06-02 Letter to Pence
2017-03-14 Health Reform Proposal
2017-01-31 Indian Innovations in Financial Payment Systems
2017-01-21 How To Do a Mars Mission

2016 and earlier

2016-09-22 Reports of Yahoo hacked ... why NOW?
2016-02-20 Message to Sanders
2016-02-14 Message to Trump
2015-09-20 Message to Obama
2015-02-04 Letter to Draghi on misconceived focus on mild inflation
2014-11-02 Letter to Boehner on ISIS and Syria
2014-11-02 Just a Man Crush? Putin at Sochi
2014-10-30 Putin's Strategy?
2014-10-02 Political Correctness Endangers Lives
2014-06-12 Message to Obama on Syria
2014-04-21 The Downside of Excluding Fathers
2014-03-07 Theft Resistant Money
2013-11-11 Down with Obamacare!
2013-10-10 Letter to Boehner to restore Freedom by getting Congress to retake its "power to coin money"
2013-07-12 Letter to Feinstein requesting impeachment of Obama
2013-03-28 Right To Bear Arms Letter to Obama
2013-03-22 Dealing with the Cyprus Madness
2012-02-24 Where is that satellite? - Site maintaining the data
2012-02-16 The Upside of Government Default
2012-02-08 Monopoly Regulation - A Success Story
2011-11-12 Preserving Sovereignty in the Euro System
2011-10-31 What Occupy Wall Street Should Ask For
2011-10-28 Saving the CDS Writers
2011-10-15 The Bank Monopoly
2011-10-01 The Egg Standard
2011-09-14 Solar flare could unleash worldwide meltdowns of nuclear powerplants
2011-08-22 Effect of Demographics on PE ratio
2011-08-15 Enforcement of a Balanced Budget Amendment
2011-08-11 Returning to a Gold Standard
2011-08-09 Letter to Obama on Gasoline Prices
2011-07-25 Party for the Middle: Americans Elect
2011-07-20 Letter to Boehner about keeping the debt ceiling intact
2011-07-19 Are Men What They Used to Be?
2011-07-13 Letter to President Suggesting An Asset Tax
2011-07-12 I love this title! Netflix Screaming
2011-07-12 Moral Dimension Needed for Budget Plans
2011-07-12 Letter to Boehner
2011-07-10 In Defense of Chicanery
2011-07-10 About Credit Cards
2011-05-03 To Obama re: Killing of Osama Bin Laden
2011-03-?? Article following letter to Obama suggesting US "lead from behind" (last paragraph)
2011-02-01 Letter to Supreme Court re: Cherishing the Constitution and Obamacare
2010-09-24 A Lighthearted Comment on the DJI Technical Chart
2010-07-xx An ode to trains
2010-01-21 A commentary on housing
2009-12-09 Letter to Senators on individual mandate
2008-11-18 Indian Navy destroys Somali pirate mother ship
2008-11-15 Letter to President Elect Obama on Financial Crisis
2008-10-17 Indian Navy launches first mission against Somali Pirates
2008-06-02 UN Security Council authorizes navies to tackle Somali pirates
2008-??-?? Letter to Manmohan Singh about Somali pirates??
2002-01-06 Letter to President Bush
1993-??-?? Letter to Hilary Clinton with model health plan